Menstrual Hygiene and Management

Menstruation is an integral and normal part of human life, indeed of human existence. Menstrual hygiene is fundamental to the dignity and wellbeing of women and girls and an important part of the basic hygiene, sanitation and reproductive health services to which every woman and girl has a right. . Globally, approximately 52% of the female population (26% of the total population) is of reproductive age. Most of these women and girls will menstruate each month for between two and seven days.

The ability to manage one’s menstrual health with adequate knowledge, safety, and dignity and without stigma is an essential human right. The subject of menstruation, however, is too often taboo in some communities and has many negative cultural attitudes associated with it, including the idea that menstruating women and girls are ‘contaminated’, ‘dirty’ and ‘impure’. Several thousands of girls and women in Uganda are not well prepared when menstruation begins. Women and girls in rural settings and in particular girls in schools suffer most from stigma and lack of services and facilities to help them cope with the physical and psychological pains they undergo during their menstrual periods.

They lack access to information, products, and infrastructure needed to comfortably manage menstruation. Girls’ and women’s health, well-being, and rights are compromised when they must isolate themselves from their families; avoid work, community activities, or school; and face risks to their physical safety because of their basic biology. Adolescent girls are especially vulnerable to negative outcomes related to menstruation, including effects on their overall self-esteem and confidence
With support from Could You? Menstrual cups based in United States of America, the project is sustainably addressing the Menstrual Health Management (MHM) needs of rural women and girls in East and Central Uganda through improved access to information and menstrual health products mainly menstrual cups. We build and sustain partnerships with communities to scale up the delivery of menstrual cups to rural/vulnerable women and girls.



Partner with UHDF

Collective efforts go along way in supporting communities that we serve.